Tuesday’s Tip: Achieve an Infusionsoft campaign goal with an API call

One of the lesser known goals available in Infusionsoft is an API call. By making a specific API call you can achieve this goal to move a contact through a campaign. The goal has two parameters: Integration and Call Name. These can be anything you want but if you have multiple goals with the same integration and call name, then they will all be achieved by the same API call. To achieve the goal, you make a FunnelService.achieveGoal API call with the integration and call name you configured in the goal, and the contact ID you’d like to achieve the goal for. If you are using the free Novak Solutions Infusionsoft PHP SDK, then you could do something like this: <?php // Include the SDK require_once('Infusionsoft/infusionsoft.php'); // Set the contact ID $contactID = 123; // Call the achieveGoal method Infusionsoft_FunnelService::achieveGoal('someIntegration', 'myAPIcall', $contactID); I hope this helps you in building your own...

Tuesday’s Tip: Get a free stats dashboard for Infusionsoft

Keeping track of trends within your business makes it easier to find and fix problems, and to see where your company is heading. Infusionsoft provides some basic dashboard reporting tools within your app, but we wanted something a little more powerful so we created Health Check. We’ve been using Health Check internally for awhile now, and decided to share it with the Infusionsoft community. Our free Health Check tool provides daily stats and gives you a quick overview of those stats compared to previous reporting periods. In other words, it helps you know what you accomplished today, yesterday, and last month, while giving you the ability to see how that compares to your accomplishments last week, last month, and the month before. Clicking on the question mark icon next to a stat brings up a window with more information. For example, clicking the question mark icon next to the “today so far” number for Payments Received will give you a list of payments received today. We’ll be expanding this in the near future to include graphs and pre-built reports. Health Check is completely free (we don’t even collect your credit card number) and fully supported. It doesn’t have all the features we want yet but it is being actively developed and will continue to gain new features in the coming weeks. So please, sign up, give it a try, and let me know what you think! What is it missing that you’d find useful? What do you love about it? Please share your thoughts so we can continue to improve this free...

Tuesday’s Tip: Remove Infusionsoft branding on web forms

By default, an Infusionsoft hosted web form has “Powered by Infusionsoft” added to the end of the title. Eek! Do your customers really care what company powers your web forms, or would you rather have them see your company name in the title and in their browser bookmarks? I’ve talked before about custom titles for order forms and shopping carts, and hiding Infusionsoft branding. With a little effort, we can do the same thing for Infusionsoft hosted web forms. The trick, as usual, requires a bit of JavaScript. Simply add the following code to an HTML snippet on your web form, replacing “YOUR COMPANY” with your company name: <script> document.title = document.title.replace("Powered by Infusionsoft", "COMPANY NAME"); </script> This will use the title you selected when you created the web form, but it will replace “Powered by Infusionsoft” with your company name. Alternatively, you can set the full title to whatever you want using this snippet, replacing “YOUR TITLE” with the title you want: <script> document.title = "YOUR TITLE"; </script> Do you have an idea for a Tuesday’s Tip? Let us...

Tuesday’s Tip: Recover from failed recurring billings in Infusionsoft

If you sell products or services with recurring billing then you’ve likely run into the common issue of expired or rejected credit cards. This isn’t the sort of problem that resolves itself. You have to proactively get new payment information from your customer so you can continue billing. Luckily for us, Infusionsoft has provided a free campaign template for this exact situation. To set up a campaign to automatically help with recovering failed recurring billings, check out the Infusionsoft Marketplace: log into Infusionsoft, go to the Campaign Builder, and click the Marketplace button. Look for the Collect All Recurring Billings campaign, and click the Install button. This will copy the campaign template and configuration instructions to your app and redirect you to your Campaign Builder page. Next, click on the Collect All Recurring Billings campaign. You should see instructions for setting it up, including how to configure a trigger when an autocharge attempt fails. Setup is incredibly easy, and the campaign walks you through it step-by-step. This campaign is easy to customize for your own needs. For example, you could combine this campaign with our Profile and Payments automation to allow your customers to update their payment information on their own. Have an idea for a tip? Let us...

Tuesday’s Tips: Creating post-sale upsell chains for Infusionsoft

We’ve had a lot of interest in our Infusionsoft One-click Upsell plugin for WordPress. Thanks to feedback from our visitors we have improved the plugin to work with both shopping carts and order forms, and we’ve improved the documentation. An upsell chain is where one upsell leads to another. For example, your customer buys product A, and you offer an upsell for product B on your “thank you” page. The customer buys the upsell. Great! Now you offer them product C, and then product D, and so on until the customer stops buying your products. Upsell chains can be a powerful way to earn more per customer. The barrier to purchase is already low and it takes just a single click for them to complete the additional purchase. Creating upsell chains with Infusionsoft One-click Upsell is incredibly easy. The first step is to create your initial upsell button using the upsell shortcode. It could look something like this: [[upsell product_id="12" button_text="Order Product B" success_url="http://example.com/product-b-thank-you/"]] This will display a button with the text “Order Product B”. If the customer clicks it, they’ll receive product #12 and then they’ll be directed to http://example.com/product-b-thank-you/. The next step is to add another upsell button on the Product B Thank You page. It might look something like this: [[upsell product_id="13" button_text="Order Product C" success_url="http://example.com/product-c-thank-you/"]] And so on and so on, with as many upsells as you think makes sense for your business model. You also have the opportunity to downsell. For example, if they didn’t bite on Product B you could offer them Product D instead, which might be a lower-priced version of the product. To...