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Tuesday’s Tip: WordPress One-click Upsell for Infusionsoft

Our latest free WordPress plugin, Infusionsoft One-click Upsell, makes it easy to sell additional products to your customers. Simply use the upsell shortcode on any Thank You page or post. The plugin will add a “buy now” button for whatever product you choose. If the customer clicks the button, the product will be purchased using the last credit card that they used. Installing this plugin is very easy: Log in to your WordPress account and go to the Plugins page Click Add New at the top of the page Search for Infusionsoft One-click Upsell Click Install Now for the Infusionsoft One-click Upsell plugin Once installed, click Activate Plugin This plugin requires some configuration. Go to the plugin’s settings page for instructions on how to configure the plugin and how to use it. Have a suggestion for an improvement to this plugin? Please let us know in the comments to this...

Tuesday’s Tip: Hide Infusionsoft branding

Have you ever noticed the Infusionsoft logo at the bottom of the emails you send? You may have even noticed it at the bottom of newsletters or marketing emails you’ve received from other companies. While Infusionsoft includes this logo by default, they make it easy to hide. Why would you want to remove the logo? It’s a distraction. Promoting Infusionsoft at the bottom of every email can confuse your message or distract from your email’s primary call to action. It could increase your spam score. Adding additional images and links to your emails could increase your spam score. You’ll likely only take a minimal hit for including the Infusionsoft logo, but every bit can make a difference. To hide the Infusionsoft logo from your emails, all you have to do is open your Infusionsoft app, go to Admin→Branding Center→Infusionsoft Footer, and select No at the bottom of the page for Allow Infusionsoft Footer in...

Tuesday’s Tip: Use the Infusionsoft Campaign Builder with Google Chrome

Update 5/20/2014: Infusionsoft has updated the Campaign Builder to work with Google Chrome without having to jump through any hoops. This means this tip is no longer needed. Hurray!   The Campaign Builder is a powerful drag and drop tool that makes it easy to create complex campaigns. Unfortunately, it refuses to open unless you are using Firefox. Infusionsoft has chosen to do this because they don’t want to commit the resources to testing the Campaign Builder with multiple browsers. Fortunately, there is an easy way to trick your Infusionsoft app into thinking you are using Firefox even if you are actually using Chrome. First, you’ll need a user agent switching extension. Each browser has a unique user agent string that identifies its name and version number. Infusionsoft uses this user agent string to determine whether you are using Firefox, and to prevent you from using the Campaign Builder if you aren’t. A user agent switching extension lets you tell your browser to pretend it is Firefox (or a number of other browsers). You can get User-Agent Switcher, an easy to use user agent switching extension, from the Chrome Web Store. Once the extension is installed, you’ll see a mask icon added to your browser. Click the mask and select Firefox on Windows (or on Mac if you are a Mac user). You should now be able to go to the Campaign Builder in your Infusionsoft App. In my testing I haven’t encountered anything in the Campaign Builder that doesn’t work in Chrome. However, to be safe you may want to make a copy of any campaign you plan on modifying...

Tuesday’s Tip: Hide the Add to Cart button in Infusionsoft

The Infusionsoft storefront makes it easy to sell your products online. You can easily change the colors and graphics to make it fit the look and feel of your brand. What makes it really powerful is the ability to add custom JavaScript. For example, do you want to make sure your customers read the product description before adding your product to your cart? Or perhaps you want the Add to Cart button to grab their attention by fading in a few moments after the page loads? The code to do this is pretty simple: <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ jQuery( document ).ready(function() { jQuery('.cartButton').hide(); setTimeout(function(){ jQuery('.cartButton').fadeIn(); }, 5 * 1000); }); // ]]> </script> This snippet of JavaScript will make the Add to Cart button invisible when your customer first visits a product page. After 5 seconds, the Add to Cart button will fade in, drawing attention to itself. You can change the delay time by changing 5 to the number of seconds you’d like to wait before the button fades in. To hide the Add to Cart button for an entire shopping cart theme, edit the theme and add the code snippet to the Custom Header under the HTML Areas tab. To hide the Add to Cart button for an individual product, edit the product and add the code snippet to the Long Description. Click the Source tab for the Long Description before pasting in the...
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