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Tuesday’s Tip: Move the PayPal button on your Infusionsoft order forms
By default the Infusionsoft shopping cart and order forms show the credit card and PayPal options side by side. You may want to move the PayPal button above or below the credit card fields instead. This can make it more obvious to the customer that the credit card fields belong to the credit card option, or emphasize one payment option over the other. You can move your PayPal button above the credit card fields like this: To move it above the credit card fields, add this Javascript code to your order form or shopping cart theme’s HTML area: <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('.paymentMethodTable tbody').prepend( jQuery("<tr>").append( jQuery("#payPalType").parent(),"<td></td>" ) ); jQuery('.paymentMethodTable tbody tr:eq(1)') .insertBefore(jQuery('.paymentMethodTable tbody tr:eq(0)')); }); // ]]></script> You can also move your PayPal button below the credit cards fields like this: To move it below the credit card fields, add this Javascript code to your order form or shopping cart theme’s HTML area: <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('.paymentMethodTable tbody').append( jQuery("<tr>").append( jQuery("#payPalType").parent(),"<td></td>" ) ); }); // ]]></script> If this code doesn’t work for you, let me know in the comments! This code has been tested in my own sandbox app, but I may need to tweak it a bit to work for you if your app is running a different version of Infusionsoft’s shopping cart or order forms. Please make sure you include a link to a sample shopping cart or order form page when reporting a...Tuesday’s Tip: Continue an Infusionsoft campaign even if your contact doesn’t confirm their email address
Asking your contacts to confirm their email addresses (also known as double opt-in) is an email best practice. Infusionsoft doesn’t require asking for email confirmation, but asking for it can make it easier to segment out your hottest leads. You can use the Campaign Builder to request email confirmation but continue your campaign anyway even if your contact doesn’t confirm their email address. This keeps you from missing out on potential leads, while retaining the ability to send special marketing messages to contacts that put in the effort to confirm their email addresses. Here is an example of what this would look like in the Campaign Builder: The first step is the entry into the campaign. This could be a lead magnet, webinar signup, newsletter signup, or any other goal that allows a contact to enter a campaign. Next, place an email confirmation request sequence in your campaign, and connect your lead magnet to the sequence. This sequence is automatically locked to a Confirm Email goal. Last, add your main campaign content, such as a warm-up sequence or newsletter, to your campaign. Connect both the Confirm Email goal and the Email Confirmation Request sequence to the warm-up sequence. When your contact fills out a form to enter the campaign, they’ll be sent an email asking them to confirm their email address. Because the Email Confirmation Request sequence is connected directly to the warm-up sequence, your contact won’t have to confirm their email address before continuing in the campaign. You may want to add a short delay timer of at least a few hours to your warm-up sequence so your contact has a chance to...Tuesday’s Tip: Best practices when using alt text in Infusionsoft emails
The majority of email clients block images by default. This includes Outlook, most webmail clients such as Yahoo! and AOL, and many mobile clients such as Android Email and Blackberry. If you aren’t using alt text for your email images, then a large percentage of your readers may miss the meaning of your messages. Fortunately, setting alt text is one of the easiest things you can do in Infusionsoft. Simply edit your email, select and edit the image, and add your alt text in the appropriate field: Of course, adding alt text won’t do you any good if it doesn’t convey meaning to the reader. When using alt text, follow these best practices: Convey meaning. The alt text should describe the image and help the reader know why the image is there. For example, if you have a Facebook icon, a good alt text might be “Like on Facebook” rather than just “Facebook”. Keep it short. Some email clients won’t display alt text if it is too long to fit inside of the images container. Even if it can fit in the container, few people will bother to read long, potentially unstyled alt text. Follow the 80/20 rule. As a general rule, VerticalResponse recommends using about 80% text and 20% graphics. Too much text and your emails may be boring, too many graphics and your emails may be difficult to...Tuesday’s Tip: Change the credit card label on your Infusionsoft order forms
There have been a few posts (such as this one) in the Infusionsoft community forum over the past few months asking how to change the credit card label on Infusionsoft order forms and shopping cart pages. Many major retailers, such as Amazon, use the term Credit or Debit Card so their customers know that they can use their bank issued card. Whether or not this will increase your conversions probably depends on the demographics of your customers. In any case, accomplishing this with your Infusionsoft order forms or shopping cart pages is pretty easy. To change your credit card label to Credit or Debit Card, simply add this code to your order form or shopping cart theme: <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery("label[for='creditCardType'] span:contains('Credit card')").text("Credit or Debit Card"); }); // ]]></script> Place it in the custom header HTML area then save. For existing order forms, you’ll need to edit the individual order form and add the code to the custom header HTML area. The code will search for the label for the creditCardType element. It then checks to make sure the label has the correct text. This works around a bug in Infusionsoft where the PayPal label is actually associated with the credit card radio button. Finally, it changes the text to Credit or Debit Card. You can change the text to anything you’d like by editing that last bit of...
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