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Top 5 Best Infusionsoft Custom Reports For Actual Meaningful Insight Into Your Business
This is one of the most important reports because it empowers a lot of crucial data points for the Product, Sales and Financial functions of your business.
From a Chief Product Officer standpoint, this report gives a high level breakdown of what specific Offers are actually selling which indicates the general health of their…
Website Backups – How To Do It Yourself
You never know when you’re going to have a website disaster. At Novak Solutions, we’ve been called in to help with all kinds of website deaths. We’ve seen websites taken down by viruses, websites taken over by viruses, websites lost due to unpaid hosting, websites lost due to an angry ex-employee or ex-contractor, and websites that just broke for no apparent reason. Most small businesses in the Infusionsoft space have Wordpress websites, which is awesome … until it isn’t. Wordpress is notorious for becoming bloated and buggy when a website is modified over and over and over again. Our own Wordpress website became so slow that we decided to completely rebuild it when did our last redesign instead of modifying what we already had.
The point is – your website is an incredibly valuable piece of your business, and you’ve probably invested thousands or tens of thousands of dollars in it. No matter where your website is hosted or who manages it for you, you need to keep a backup. A website backup gives you two crucial…
Using Calendar Links in Appointment Reminders for Better Stick Rates
Problem: You send appointment reminders to your customers, but you still get dropped appointments and customers saying that they almost forgot about their appointment.
Solution: Put super-simple buttons in your emails for your…