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Tuesday’s Tip: Auto-apply a Promo Code in Infusionsoft

Infusionsoft® gives you the ability to offer promo codes to your customers. To make it easier on your customers and to simplify the checkout process, you can add a snippet of JavaScript to your order form to automatically apply a promo code. To use this JavaScript, replace YOUR-PROMO-CODE with the promo code you want to be applied. Add this JavaScript to the Custom Header HTML area for your order form: <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ jQuery( document ).ready(function() { jQuery('#promoCode').val("YOUR-PROMO-CODE"); jQuery('a.codeButton')[0].click(); }); // ]]> </script> When your customers open the order form, the promo code will be applied automatically as soon as the page finishes...

Shopping cart field names

On the Infusionsoft forum someone asked what the Infusionsoft Fields in the shopping cart are. Knowing this allows you to pre-fill some of your customer’s information from other sources. Below is a picture that shows the field name of each text field in the shopping cart (click the picture for a full-size...

Cancel those unpaid Infusionsoft subscriptions

Infusionsoft doesn’t automatically deactivate subscriptions when someone doesn’t pay their bill, but there is an easy way to set this up. Go to Setup > Misc Settings > Order Settings > Triggers. From the drop down select “When an autocharge attempt is made”. Select 3rd and successive failure in the screen that comes up, and select all subscriptions on the right side. Add an action that deactivates all subscriptions. Now, if a customer’s card fails three times in a row it will deactivate all their subscriptions. If you want it to only deactivate the subscription that the charge failed for, you will need to create a separate trigger for each...

Testing Infusionsoft order forms

Update 4/24/2014: Infusionsoft no longer provides the “Dummy” merchant account provider, so this tip is no longer valid. You have to use a real merchant account in order to test your signup processes. Testing an order form is something you should always do before going live, and frequently you need to test an order form after it has already gone live! How do you do that? It’s easy! First, make sure you have a test merchant account. Go to your E-Commerce Payment Options page and add a new merchant account. Select Dummy as the type. Enter anything you want for the details, but leave it set to Test Mode. Next, open the order form you want to test and at the bottom you will see a “Clone” button. Click this button. It will prompt you for a prefix for the order form and type “TEST ” (no quotes). This will help you differentiate the test order form from the real one. Now, edit the test order form and set the merchant account to your test merchant account. Open the order form, fill it out, and for credit card information select Visa and put in 4111111111111111. That is a 4 with fifteen 1‘s after it. This is a generic test Visa card number. It works with almost all merchant accounts in test mode. Put in any date in the future for expiration date, and put in anything you want for the cv2 code. Your order should be processed successfully. That’s it! Pretty simple...
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