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Tuesday’s Tip: Search Infusionsoft from your browser

We’ve created a free tool that lets you search your Infusionsoft app’s contacts from your browser’s location bar or search box without having to open Infusionsoft. To use this tool, enter your app name below and click Next. This will create a special search plugin just for you. Click the “Click Here To Complete” link to finish the installation. Chrome: In the Edit Search Engine box that pops up, choose a keyword to trigger the search. We like to use infusionsoft. For example, if you chose infusionsoft as your keyword and wanted to search for contacts named Jacob, you’d type infusionsoft jacob in the Chrome omnibox then hit enter. Firefox: Click Add when asked if you want to install the search plugin. To use the plugin, select Infusionsoft as your search engine in the search drop down, then type your search term and hit enter. Internet Explorer: Click Add when asked if you want to install the search provider. To use the plugin, click the magnifying glass in the location bar, click the Infusionsoft icon in the dropdown, then type in your...

Tuesday’s Tip: Remove unwanted fields from your Infusionsoft shopping cart or order form

UPDATE 7/1/2014: Updated the code to remove company and address line 2 from the shipping side as well as the billing side. If the company name or second address line aren’t relevant for your business, you can easily hide these fields with a small snippet of JavaScript. Simply add this code to the Customer Header field for your shopping cart or order form: <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ jQuery(function(){ jQuery('#company').parent().parent().hide(); jQuery('#addressLine2').parent().parent().hide(); jQuery('#shipCompany').parent().parent().hide(); jQuery('#shipAddressLine2').parent().parent().hide(); }); // ]]> </script> The fields will still exist on your checkout page but will be invisible to your customers, so make sure the company field isn’t marked as being required or they won’t be able to...

Tuesday’s Tip: Change your favicon for Infusionsoft shopping carts, order forms, and web forms

You may think of your website’s favicon as an insignificant part of your website’s overall design, but favicons play an important role. They build brand awareness, help establish credibility, and make life easier for individuals with dozens (or even hundreds) of bookmarked websites. Unfortunately, Infusionsoft doesn’t provide an easy way to change the favicon that is displayed to your visitors when they go through your shopping cart, order form, or pull up a hosted web form. Luckily for you, we’ve put together an easy to use snippet of HTML that will let you easily change your favicon. We’ve tested this snippet with all the major browsers, including Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox. To make it work, simply change the faviconURL path below to the URL for your own favicon (it must be at an HTTPS site!) and then paste into an HTML Snippet, or into the Custom Header field for your shopping cart or order form: <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ jQuery(document).ready(function(){ faviconURL = ''; jQuery('link[rel=\'shortcut icon\']').remove(); jQuery(document.createElement('link')) .attr('type', 'image/x-icon') .attr('rel', 'shortcut icon') .attr('href', faviconURL) .appendTo('head'); jQuery(document.createElement('link')) .attr('type', 'image/x-icon') .attr('rel', 'icon') .attr('href', faviconURL) .appendTo('head'); }); // ]]> </script> This JavaScript snippet will remove Infusionsoft’s favicon (if present) and then add your favicon in a format supported by Chrome/Firefox, and a format supported by Internet Explorer. To see this tip in action, check out our demo order form and demo web...

Tuesday’s Tip: Add a date picker to an Infusionsoft date/time field

Infusionsoft has provided several different types of custom fields, including the date and the date/time field types. The date field type conveniently provides a date picker that makes it easy for your visitor’s to select a date. The date/time field type provides a time picker that makes it easy for your visitor’s to select a date. But what if you want your visitor’s to pick a date and a time? With the help of an HTML Snippet you can easily combine the benefits of both the date and the date/time field types. First, you’ll need a custom date/time field. If you aren’t familiar with creating custom fields, please review the documentation at the Infusionsoft website. Next, you need to find the field’s database name. On the custom fields page, click the View the field database names (for the API) link. This will open a new window that lists your custom fields and their database names. As you can see in the screenshot, our field’s database name is Datetime0. Write this down, you’ll need it later. Add your date/time field to your web form, then create an HTML Snippet with this content (replacing Datetime0 with the database name of your custom field): <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('#inf_custom_Datetime0').datepicker(); }); // ]]> </script> That’s it! Your web form’s date/time field now has both a date picker and a time...
While you wait for your first tip, we’d like to recommend our Cloud Backup service. Never worry about data loss again with fully automated Infusionsoft backups. Easily recover from any disaster, including accidental deletions.
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