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Tuesday’s Tip: Copy goals and sequences in the Infusionsoft Campaign Builder

To speed up development of a campaign, you can copy and paste existing sequences within the Campaign Builder. The process is very easy: First, select the items you want to copy. You can hold down the Ctrl key while clicking on the items you want to select multiple items. Next, left click on one of your selected items. Hold down the mouse button. Last, hold down Ctrl and drag your selected items to a blank space on the canvas. The original items will remain in place, and the copies will be added to the canvas. The instructions are slightly different for Mac users. Instead of holding Ctrl when dragging your selected items, hold down Command key. Remember, you need to left click before holding down the Command...

Tuesday’s Tip: Open an Infusionsoft web form in a lightbox

Want to get more people to fill out your web form? Put it in a lightbox! This code is easy to implement (copy and paste!). All you need to do is change the iframe src and the a href to the hosted URL for your web form. This tip uses JavaScript. If your visitor doesn’t have JavaScript or if they click the link before the page has finished loading, they won’t see the web form in a lightbox. Instead, they’ll be taken to the hosted URL for your web form. [cf]javascript[/cf] Add this code to your website: <link rel="stylesheet" href="//" /> <script src="//"></script> <script src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery( "#webformdialog" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 500, modal: true }); jQuery( ".opendialog" ).click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); jQuery( "#webformdialog" ).dialog( "open" ); }); }); // ]]></script> <a href="" class="opendialog">Open web form</a> <div id="webformdialog" style="display: none;"><iframe id="infFormIframe_0" style="width: 450px;" src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes" width="400" height="250"></iframe></div> If you already use jQuery on your page, you may need to remove the script tags for jQuery or jQuery UI. You can also pick different themes for the lightbox to better match the look and feel of your site. Have an idea for a tip? We love helping the community. If you have a problem let us know and we’ll try to solve...

Tuesday’s Tip: Convert an Infusionsoft web form field to a text area

Sometimes a standard input field just isn’t big enough. We’ve written a snippet of JavaScript to let you change any field on your web form into a text area. To see this tip in action, check out our demo web form. First you’ll need to know the field’s name. If you aren’t sure what the field’s name is, you can find out using your browser’s built-in tools. In Chrome or Firefox, right click on the field and choose Inspect Element. You’ll see a bunch of code, with one line highlighted. Look for something that looks like this: name=”inf_field_SomeField”. The field name is the part in quotes. Next, change FIELD_NAME in the snippet below with the name of the field you want to change to a text area. Paste the snippet into an HTML Snippet on your web form and you are done! <script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ var fieldName = 'FIELD_NAME'; var textArea = document.createElement('textarea'); $textArea = jQuery(textArea); $textArea.attr('name', fieldName); jQuery(document).ready(function(){ var $originalField = jQuery('input[name=' + fieldName + ']'); $textArea.val($originalField.val()); $originalField.replaceWith($textArea); }); // ]]></script> Have an idea for a tip? We love helping the community. If you have a problem let us know and we’ll try to solve...

Tuesday’s Tip: Hide payment options for free items on Infusionsoft carts

Update 7/23/2014: The script has been updated to work with the latest version of the Infusionsoft shopping cart. Here is a common scenario: You are offering a freebie to your customers. You want them to use your Infusionsoft shopping cart, but you don’t want them to have to enter their credit card information for a $0 item. You could turn on the check payment method for your shopping cart, but your customers are still going to be presented with the other payment methods. To solve this, we’ve written some JavaScript to automatically handle hiding and showing the appropriate payment methods. This code will hide the credit card and PayPal methods if it detects that the customer has a $0 shopping cart. If the customer’s order isn’t free, it will show the credit card and/or PayPal methods and hide the check method. To make this work, you’ll first need to enable the check option by logging into Infusionsoft and going to E-Commerce Setup -> Payment Options. Next, modify your shopping cart theme. Place this snippet in your Custom Header HTML area: <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> That’s it! We’ll keep the script up-to-date in case Infusionsoft makes future changes that stop this script from working. You are of course welcome to download this script and host it on your own if you’d like. To see this script in action, click here to order our free Health Check service. Note: We’ve tested this script with our own Infusionsoft products and shopping cart. If something isn’t working quite right for you, please let us know! We’re happy to help troubleshoot any of the free tools we...
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