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Tuesday’s Tip: Let your Infusionsoft contacts update their own information

Using the a web form and an email broadcast, you can easily let your Infusionsoft contacts update their own information. This tip doesn’t require any custom code, just a bit of setup inside of your Infusionsoft app. First, create a web form. You can use a legacy web form or create one within a campaign. Create a hidden field for the email address. Add any fields you’d like the contact to be able to update, such as name, address, or a custom field. These fields should be visible so your contact can see them. Go to the Publish tab and copy the URL for the hosted web form. Next, create an email broadcast. This email should ask the contact to click a link to update their information. Add a link to the URL for the hosted web form. Before clicking the Insert/Update button for the link, click Other options… and select Place the person’s details at the end of the URL (for techies). This will add the contact’s details to the URL, which will auto-fill the hidden email address form. When your contact receives the email and clicks the link, they’ll arrive at your web form. They can update their details and submit the form, and your Infusionsoft app will be instantly updated with the new...

Tuesday’s Tip: Understanding Infusionsoft invoices and fractions of cents

The Infusionsoft API is powerful, but it occasionally lets you do things that you really shouldn’t do. For this tip I’m going to talk about creating invoices that include fractions of cents. This situation most often occurs when calculating discounts or adding sales tax in your own code, and then creating the invoice via the API. For example, you may have a product that retails for $99.99. If you discount this amount by 25%, then the product will cost $74.9925. The Infusionsoft API allows you to create an invoice for this amount, even though it contains fractions of cents that you won’t be able to collect. In Infusionsoft the order would look like this: If you use the API’s calculateAmountOwed method, you’ll find out that Infusionsoft is expecting a payment of $74.99. If you take a payment for $74.99, the order will look like this in Infusionsoft: Looks good, right? The invoice has a $0.00 balance. There isn’t any red text indicating an unpaid balance. If you use the API’s calculateAmountOwed method, Infusionsoft will tell you that $0.00 is owed. But what if you pull the invoice up in Infusionsoft? The Pay Status shows UNPAID in Infusionsoft. Pulling up the invoice via the API also shows a PayStatus of 0, which indicates that the invoice isn’t paid even though TotalDue (74.99) – TotalPaid (74.99) = 0! The moral of the story is never create invoices with fractions of cents. You should always round the invoice amount to the nearest cent before saving the invoice to...

Tuesday’s Tip: Get your Infusionsoft merchant account ID via the API

The Infusionsoft API makes it possible to place orders and charge credit cards without your customer ever visiting a single Infusionsoft page. To do this, you’ll need to know your merchant account ID. Infusionsoft doesn’t provide a way to get this via the API. You can get it through your Infusionsoft app, but this involves clicking through to the right screen and then dissecting a page’s URL. An easier solution, especially if you are building software for clients, is to try to find this information by looking at recent transactions. By looking at recent transactions in the CCharge table, you can find the merchant account ID with a fairly high level of confidence. It is still a good idea to confirm your merchant account ID by looking in Infusionsoft but this helps you know you are looking in the right place. This code assumes you are using the free Novak Solutions Infusionsoft PHP SDK and you have a config.php with your app name and API key. <?php // Include the SDK require_once('Infusionsoft/infusionsoft.php'); // Query for recently used merchant IDs $charges = Infusionsoft_DataService::queryWithOrderBy(new Infusionsoft_CCharge(), array('Id' => '%'), 'Id', false, 100, 0, array('MerchantId')); // Loop through $m = array(); foreach($charges as $charge) { if(!isset($m[$charge->MerchantId])) { $m[$charge->MerchantId] = 1; } else { $m[$charge->MerchantId]++; } } if(!empty($m)){ // Find the most used merchant ID $max = array_keys($m, max($m)); $merchantId = $max[0]; } else { $merchantId = false; } // $merchantId = the most used merchant ID from the most recent 100 transactions We use this code in the free Infusionsoft One-click Upsell plugin for WordPress to make it easier to find your merchant account...

Tuesday’s Tip: Add Facebook comments to your Infusionsoft web forms

Adding Facebook comments to your web form can increase your conversions dramatically. For example, you might have a web form to sign people up for a webinar. Having a Facebook comment box gives your visitors the chance to leave positive comments about past webinars they’ve attended, or to express their excitement over the upcoming webinar. This social proof can provide the extra push that some visitors need to convince them to provide their personal information. Unfortunately, you can’t just copy and paste the Facebook comments code into your web form. Infusionsoft sanitizes any HTML or JavaScript that you put on a web form, rendering the pasted code useless. Luckily for you we’ve come up with a workaround. The first step is to create a Facebook app if you don’t already have one. It is common to name the app after your business or organization. For example, our app is named Novak Solutions. You’ll also need to go to settings and add a platform. Choose website. Enter your organization’s domain name for the site URL, and your Infusionsoft app URL for the mobile site URL. Then add both domains to the App Domains box. Click Save Changes. This will give you permission to use Facebook comments on your website and on hosted web forms. Finally, go to the Status & Review page and click the button to make your app available to the public. Next, we need to add some code to our web form. Add an HTML snippet with the following contents: <script src="//"></script> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function(){ addFacebookComments('277515279073217', '', 5, 'light'); }); </script> There are a few parameters: 277515279073217 — Replace...
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