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Tuesday’s Tip: Save time in Infusionsoft by using contact shortcuts

If you aren’t using the contact shortcut bar, then you are probably losing a lot of time waiting for Infusionsoft contact pages to load. Nearly anything you’d need to do with a contact (other than updating contact fields) can be accomplished without ever pulling up the contact’s record. The contact shortcut bar is available when you hover over a contact in the search results. It gives you quick access to the most vital parts of a contact’s record, including tags, orders, and campaigns. You can view the contact’s activity, read notes, check appointment dates, and more. To use the shortcut bar, perform a contact search. Hover over a contact to make the shortcut bar appear. Click one of the shortcut bar icons. You can hover over the icons to find out what they represent. You can also take action. For example, you can add or remove tags, add quotes and orders, and make notes. The best part? It is fast! Instead of waiting for the full contact page to load, it loads just the information you...

Tuesday’s Tip: Stop an Infusionsoft campaign without deleting it

Infusionsoft doesn’t let you pause campaigns. Once your campaign has gone live, the only option you are given is to un-publish and delete it. But what if you need to put it on hold for a few days? Or what if you want to stop the campaign, but leave it in your account so you can repurpose it for a new campaign? This simple workaround makes that possible! First, edit your campaign. Next, select the line going from your entry goal to your sequence. Hit the delete key to make it disappear. Once the connection to your sequence is gone and your campaign is published, your contacts won’t be able to enter your sequence. The campaign is effectively paused. But what about contacts that are already in a sequence? If you want to remove them from the sequence, hover over the sequence and click the blue people icon. Click Actions, then Start/Stop a Campaign Sequence. From this screen you can choose which campaign and sequence to stop. Select Stop in the first box, your campaign in the second box, and the specific campaign sequence in the third box. Click Process Action to stop the campaign sequence. You can repeat this step if you need to stop multiple campaign sequences. To get your campaign going again, all you have to do is re-connect your goal to your sequence, then publish your...

Tuesday’s Tip: Starting an Infusionsoft campaign sequence based on custom criteria

Different contacts have different needs and interests. Instead of having a plain campaign that sends all your contacts through the same sequences, you can create multiple sequences tailored for your different contact segments. Infusionsoft makes it easy to route your contacts to the most applicable sequence using a decision diamond. Follow along below to learn how to do this, and to see a few examples of when this could be useful for you. Create your sequences You’ll need at least two sequences, but can create more if needed. These sequences will run different tasks based on the attributes, characteristics, or behaviors of your contacts. For example, you might have a sequence that contains marketing written to appeal to those that are 18-34 years old, and another for those that are 35+ years old. If you are using last week’s tip that shows you how to track your AdWords traffic, you could have different sequences based on which ad or keyword drove the contact to your site. Create your decision diamond An Infusionsoft decision diamond allows you to connect one campaign goal with multiple sequences. To create the decision diamond, connect your goal to your first sequence in the campaign builder like you normally would. Then, connect the goal to each additional sequence you’d like to use, one by one. The decision diamond will automatically appear when a goal is connected to multiple sequences. To configure your decision diamond, double click it. Determine your criteria Which tags, contact fields, or form fields will you use to drive your campaign? Infusionsoft lets you use multiple criteria so you can make complex...

Tuesday’s Tip: Track which AdWords keywords lead to conversions in Infusionsoft

With a bit of JavaScript, you can easily track which AdWords keyword led a specific contact to fill out an Infusionsoft web form. As you collect this data, you can easily use it to adjust your campaigns both in and out of Infusionsoft. For example, you may find that some AdWords campaigns drive a lot of traffic but not a lot of web form submissions. You might also want to send your contacts to different Infusionsoft campaign sequences based on which creative or keyword sent the contact to your web form. Next week we’ll expand on today’s tip to show you how to easily accomplish this. Follow along below to find out how you can track your AdWords keywords in Infusionsoft. Update your AdWords campaign AdWords provides a tool called ValueTrack that allows you to dynamically add parameters to your landing page URL. You’ll use this tool to add the ad’s keyword to your URL so they’ll be available to the web form. To do this, add ?keyword={keyword} to the end of your landing page URL. If your URL already has a question mark in it, use an ampersand before keyword instead of a question mark. For example, your landing page might be{keyword} You can also track specific creatives instead of (or in addition to) the keyword your visitor clicked on. This is especially useful if you run A/B tests. To do this, use ?creative={creative}. For example, to track keyword and creative you could do something like this:{keyword}&creative={creative} Create a custom field Next, create a custom text field for contact records. This will hold the keyword that brought your contact to your web form. If you aren’t sure...
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