3 Infusionsoft Data Corruption Events That Could Cripple Your Business

3 Infusionsoft Data Corruption Events That Could Cripple Your Business

Your business depends on Infusionsoft – and that’s a good thing. Infusionsoft provides rock solid marketing automation and your business would barely be treading water without it. But how safe is your Infusionsoft data?  I mean – what are the chances that your data might just disappear, or that half of your contacts inexplicably lose all of their tags? The Good and The Bad… First – let’s give you some peace of mind.  Infusionsoft uses strong industry practices to safeguard your data. They do run regular backups and data corruption is rare. Now – the bad news. While rare, data corruption happens sometimes every once in a while. We’ve all been using computers since we were kids, right? We’ve all had a Word document decide to die on us and we lost our homework back in high school.  We’ve all hit the backspace key while filling out a survey online and our computer decided to go back a page and killed all that information we had already typed in (How many of you actually went back and filled it in right away as opposed to slapping the keyboard in frustration and going to eat an ice cream bar?) 3 Infusionsoft Data Loss Events We’ve Seen First-Hand In the world of Infusionsoft, there are a number of things that can cause data loss, nearly all of it related to human error, but either way you’re left struggling to get your business running again after taking a couple of days to rip your hair out in frustration.  Here are 3 examples of data loss events that Novak Solutions has been witness...