by Jordan Novak | Sep 12, 2017 | Tips
I have a couple questions to ask you – What is the churn rate for your subscriptions? How many of your customers come back for a second purchase? What are your most effective marketing channels? How much can you spend per lead and still make a profit? How many of your subscriptions are NOT being paid every month? What is your most popular product? What is your most profitable product? If you are like most small to medium businesses then you have a pretty good idea of the answer to each of these questions, BUT you aren’t sure if you are right. If you are like most Infusionsoft users, then you know that the answer lies within Infusionsoft somewhere, but you don’t know where. Knowing the answers to these questions, and other questions like them, is critical to truly understanding your business, your customers, and your marketing. Without specific data, then you are spending time and money on marketing efforts that may not even be turning a profit. So – what can you do about it? If you are a solo business owner, or work with only a small team, then Infusionsoft’s reporting does have a lot of tools that can help you. We’ve put a list together of the top 5 most useful Infusionsoft reports that you can check out here. This won’t give you the answer to all of your questions, but it does give you a push in the right direction. To get the rest of your numbers you may still have to pull out a good ol’ Excel Spreadsheet and dump hours into trying to...
by Jordan Novak | Aug 22, 2017 | Tips, Tools
Hey Novak Solutions readers! I’m Paul Sokol and I’ve known these Novak guys for many years. Recently, Jordan has been writing a lot about data and wanted to do a post on the top 5 reports available inside Infusionsoft. He reached out to me about it and well, here we are 🙂 The reason he asked me is because I’m pretty familiar with Infusionsoft and its native reporting functionality (been using the software since ’08). This was actually a really fun guest post because it forced me to take the entire lens of a small business and condense it to what I consider the most critical and insightful reports/data points. Oh! One important thing to note: this intentionally doesn’t have ANY campaign reporting in it. That’s a topic for an entirely different guest post. Alright enough flapping my digital gums, let’s get to these top five reports. Best Infusionsoft Report #1 – eCommerce > Sales Totals (By Product) This is one of the most important reports because it empowers a lot of crucial data points for the Product, Sales and Financial functions of your business. From a Chief Product Officer standpoint, this report gives a high level breakdown of what specific Offers are actually selling which indicates the general health of their Product Line. If a business has 20 things to sell, but only 3 are being sold, that means something different than if 18 of 20 are being sold. Neither circumstance is bad (nor good) without additional context but this report empowers that kind of “troubleshooting” into your Product Line health. From a Chief Sales Officer standpoint, this...